Cognitive Marketing Class
The training course identifies an innovative type of marketing, which is able to overcome the perceptual and affordance problems that germinate and determine using the methodologies based on the proposals on an emotional level. Until now we have tried to influence the user by exploiting only the emotional components of the product, incurring in evident gap between perceived quality and real quality. Now we are trying to develop a new ergonomic concept path that combines the characteristics of the object with the image of the brand to refer to. The aim is therefore to make use of the most recent scientific discoveries concerning the study of cognitive processes, those on generative semeiotics, Gestalt psychology, synesthetic sensory applications, and new studies on the evolution of neocortex (mirror neurons, memes, etc.), in close connection with the communicative value of new media and social media.
The training course includes the learning and use of an innovative integrated marketing project, user oriented, which uses the methods of the ergonomic project applied to industrial design and communication, which takes into due account the components of the human cognitive system, focusing specifically on the "perceived" and on the "affordance" and by communicating this artifact with the aid of semiotics and, in general, of the Communication Sciences. This will provide the designer with the appropriate guidelines to be able to proceed in a more secure and appropriate manner to the needs of users in his creative work, designed, above all, to express the values of the brand in the object to be realized.
The aim of the course is to develop the skills related to the use of an innovative type of marketing, which is able to overcome the perceptual and "affordance" problems that germinate by using the methodologies hitherto based on the emotional perceptions of in front of design objects. Until now we have tried to influence users by exploiting only the emotional components of the product, incurring in the gap between perceived quality and real quality. We now try to develop a new ergonomic "training path", able to associate the image of the brand, intended as the set the of values, to which refer the peculiar characteristics of the object.
The main knowledge in the outcome are:
- the acquisition of innovative theoretical / practical tools for the identification, enhancement and communication of the "brand";
- to learn the phases of an innovative cognitive marketing design model.
The main skills expected are:
- to be able to analyze the tangible and intangible values of the brand;
- be able to formulate a cognitive marketing project for its use in the creation of design objects.
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